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Significant Weather Event Declared Lifted

Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2025 08:43 AM

For the past several days, municipal operators have been hard at work clearing the snow. The Township supports its team and thanks them!  The current weather conditions are making clean-up easier for our team. The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet officially lifts the declaration of a significant weather event under section 16.9 of Ontario Regulation 239/02.  A huge thank you to the Public Works team who have been working hard since the storms began. We would also like to thank residents for their...


Posted on Thursday, January 23, 2025 03:44 PM

Recent routine testing of the drinking water from Lefaivre Water Treatment System revealed that the sodium level was exceeding the upper limits of the recommended levels.
The amount of sodium in water is normally not a significant problem for most people. However, excess sodium can be a health problem for individuals who require a sodium-restricted diet due to a variety of medical reasons. Please be advised that anyone using drinking water from Lefaivre Water Treatment System that requires a...

Municipal Water System : Hydrant flushing

Posted on Thursday, April 08, 2021 03:04 PM

Hydrant Flushing

The Ontario Clean Water Agency will proceed with its program of hydrant flushing.

This may cause a temporary drop of pressure and/or slight colouring of the water. If it’s the case, leave your water running for a while in order to rinse the system.

The 2021 summer flushing schedule will proceed as follow:

For the town of Plantagenet: April 19,to April 30, 2021.

For the town of Wendover: May 3, to May 24, 2021.

For the town of Lefaivre: May 3, to May 14, 2021.

For the...

Ontario Enacts Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order

Posted on Thursday, April 01, 2021 09:44 PM

Read the complete press release on the Ontario News Room website. Press Release 

The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is immediately declaring a third provincial emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). These measures are being taken in response to the rapid increase in COVID-19 transmission, the threat on the province's hospital system capacity, and...

Flood Outlook for the Lower Ottawa River

Posted on Friday, March 26, 2021 03:40 PM

A Flood Outlook Statement is being issued for areas along the Lower Ottawa River. Based on current snow cover and weather forecast, it is anticipated that levels and flows along the main stem of the river from Arnprior to Hawkesbury are expected to begin to rise over the next few days but will remain within the normal range of fluctuations associated with the spring freshet period.

Presently, the snow cover varies significantly across the 146,300 square kilometre Ottawa River basin, with some areas...