MV Construction Logo with a picture of a house next to it with two persons on the roof.

Meet the talented team of local contractors who shaped the Lefaivre Riverside Park event scene.

Have you ever seen the MV Construction logo on a local project?

This local Lefaivre company is in high demand for construction and renovation projects of all kinds in the region.

MV Construction offers a wide range of services:

Home foundation,
Turnkey construction
Interior renovation of all kinds
Creation of outdoor terraces

Owners Mandel and Vincent are young entrepreneurs who have been making their mark in the region since 2021.

Recently, the company poured the slab for the event stage at Lefaivre Riverside Park. The stage is a much-anticipated project for the municipality, and will be the foundation for events such as Canada Day, Lefaivre's evening shows and much more programming to come.

We invite you to visit their Facebook page. They can be reached at 613-307-1847 or 613-306-7849, or by e-mail at