a water pipe


The villages of Alfred, Lefaivre, Plantagenet and Wendover are serviced by municipal aqueducts.

For more information in case of a water pipe break or to enquire about a new water service hook-up, contact us.

Water Meter Upgrade Program in Plantagenet

The Township is currently conducting a water meter upgrade program in the neighbourhood of Plantagenet to ensure the continued accuracy of your water bill. Neptune Technology Group has been contracted by the Township to upgrade the water meter at your property. Affected properties will receive a notice by mail with details on how to schedule an appointment.

Sanitary Sewer

Wendover Step System

Since the 1990s, a large number of houses located along Principale Street and private roads in the village of Wendover are serviced by a wastewater collection system known as the STEP System.

Billing and Electronic Billing

The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet now offers an e-billing option for Water and Sewer utilities. You can now choose to receive a bill notification via e-mail instead of receiving a paper bill by mail. If you are interested in going paperless, please fill out and return to us the authorization form by e-mail at: munapdeptfin@alfred-plantagenet.com

Billing for water and sewer service is issued four times a year and payments are due on the last business day of the month of April, July, October and January of the following year.

BillingPayment due on the last business day of the month of :
First bill April
Second bill July
Third bill October
Fourth bill January of the following year

Pre-authorized Payments for Water and Sewer Utility Bills

The "Payor's Authorization for pre-authorized payments (PAP) for water and sewer utility bills – date due" form can be downloaded and sent to munapdeptfin@alfred-plantagenet.com

Drinking Water System Annual Reports

Water and Sewer Budgets

Budget for water and sewer systems are at the end of the Township's annual budgets.

Water and Sewer Rates And Other Charges For:

For Water and Sewer Rates prior to this year, please contact munapdeptfin@alfred-plantagenet.com or call the Finance Department at 613-673-4797.


Our staff at the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet are available to discuss a document or to give you a summary. We are committed to being accessible to all.